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The Magician Tarot Card: Meanings and Symbolism

Image of The Magician card with title of the post and design elements

At key number one, The Magician stands at the beginning of the Major Arcana. If The Fool represents you (the querent) during a reading, The Magician is the first step on your journey: creation.

The Magician masters the physical world, bringing whatever he wants to fruition. The card is most often associated with power and the ability to manifest anything you wish. But more than that, he can take inspiration from above and bring it to life on earth.

In other words, The Magician is connected to the divine. The consummate creator, he represents writers and artists, as well as entrepreneurs and business owners.

In today’s post, we’ll talk about the imagery in The Magician card as depicted in the Rider-Waite deck. You’ll learn about the symbolism, how other decks portray the card, and what it means in a reading.

Want to skip ahead? Jump down to the “What does The Magician mean in a reading?” section to find the upright and reversed meanings of the card. And, if you’re looking for brief definitions for all the cards, check out our Tarot Card Meanings Resource Page.

The Magician Tarot Card Imagery

The Magician stands before a table. In his right hand, he holds a white wand, pointed heavenward. With his left hand, he points down toward the ground. There’s a symmetry in his positioning, aligning him with the straight line of the key number I, and connecting him as a conduit between heaven and earth.

Above him, full red blooms and foliage hang down. In the foreground, we see more blooms of red roses and white lilies. Before him, a table holds all the suits of the tarot: a pentacle, sword, cup, and wand.

The Magician wears a white gown under a red cloak. The belt around his waist is a snake eating itself, called the ouroboros. And we see the infinity symbol hovering over his head, like a halo.

The Magician Symbolism Explained

To understand the card, let’s dive into the symbolism. Here are some things to note:

  • Key Number I. The number one represents beginnings. It’s another nod toward creation and creativity.
  • Blooming Flowers. The lush foliage and blooming flowers, both above and below, signify creation, new beginnings, growth, and life.
    • White Lilies. In the foreground, these represent innocence and purity.
    • Red Roses. These represent love, passion, and power.
  • The Four Suits. Swords, wands, pentacles, and cups are the four suits of the tarot. They respectively represent the four elements of the physical world: air, fire, earth, and water.
  • The Infinity Symbol. The infinity symbol represents eternity. It has no beginning or end and can be seen as a representation of God, as well as energy and love.
  • The Ouroboros. This symbol on The Magician’s belt is another symbol of infinity.
  • Colors. There are three main colors that provide more clues to the meaning of the card:
    • White. The Magician’s gown and the lilies. White represents purity, innocence, beginnings, and divinity.
    • Red. The Magician’s outer robe and flowers. Red represents power, as well as passion.
    • Yellow. The background is a bright yellow, representing new beginnings, happiness, and creativity.

The Magician card represents power over the physical world.

The Magician in Other Tarot Decks

The Rider-Waite deck published in 1909 is the inspiration for most decks today. But they reimagined many of the cards, including The Magician. In earlier decks, this card was often portrayed as a slight of hand artist or stage magician. He might be called an artisan or juggler.

When you’re working with a deck that’s very different in design from the Rider-Waite deck, take your cues from that deck’s design. I also recommend reading any companion references with the deck you choose.

There are multiple ways to interpret each card. Different decks may prioritize one interpretation. For instance, where this card is portrayed as a stage magician or juggler, the meaning might have more to do with skill or slight of hand than true power or connection with the divine.

What Does The Magician Mean in a Reading?

The Magician Upright Meaning:

The Magician represents a connection with the divine and power over the physical world. It’s a great omen if you’re trying to manifest success in any area of your life. When the card appears upright in a reading, it can be a sign of good outcomes to come, depending on the position and other cards in the spread.

Where the card indicates a person, they will often be someone in a position of authority, such as bosses, business owners, or successful personalities. This person may be a mentor or someone who can help you in some way. Because The Magician is a creator, the card can represent an artist, writer, or innovator.

When it refers to the querent, the card can be a message about your own ability. This card speaks to your own power and ability to bring your vision to life. Depending on the layout, it might also be an indication that other people see you as someone capable of great success.

The Magician is an influential figure and his presence in a reading signifies the ability to manifest your desires. As the card depicts a connection with the divine, the reading may pertain to something larger than yourself or an important endeavor.

It is a card of great accomplishment.

The Magician Reversed Meaning:

Reversed, The Magician can be a warning. Often it means that the trappings of success are false or that what you believe to be true is actually an illusion.

In a person, they may project a larger-than-life personality but if you dig deeper, you’ll find they are not quite who they say they are… they point to credentials that don’t really add up or their promises are hollow. In business dealings, it’s important to do your due diligence and make certain that the concrete facts align with what they tell you.

Often this is a card of trickery, intentional or not. It can also mean fooling yourself. Are you viewing a situation with rose-colored glasses because you want a certain outcome? Or could it be a warning that your own dishonesty is about to be found out?

Where The Magician appears in the reversed position, make sure that you know all the facts.

Another possible interpretation is that you are not living up to your potential. That you have a great power to manifest what you want, and you’re not tapping into it or are letting roadblocks stand in your way.

Where The Magician shows up, there is always potential for success. Even in cases where the card is a warning, you should carefully examine what to change to get back on track.

Looking for More Tarot Tips?

If you’re interested in getting to know your cards, check out our post on Bonding with your Tarot. It includes five tips to help you activate your deck.