Cover Image by Ricco Stange from Pixabay.
What would you say if I told you people use spells (the magic kind) all the time?
You’ve probably been casting these types of spells your whole life, such as birthday wishes, tossing coins into a fountain, and even blowing on a dandelion. Simple traditions like these are rooted in magic.
If you’re into manifestation, you’ve dabbled in spells.
Law of attraction practices teach a watered-down form of witchcraft. The branding might say otherwise, and I don’t think most manifestation coaches call it that. But their visualization techniques are lifted from earlier metaphysics, religious practices, and straight up spell work.
So, what’s the difference between these mainstream bits of mysticism and real, powerful spell work? It’s all about your intent. In this post, we’re going to talk about casting spells with intention.
What Are Spells?
Most traditional definitions of the term “spell” (when referring to witchcraft) focus on the words. They say a spell is a recitation of specific words to create a magical outcome.
While many spells do include incantations (some of them even rhyme!) – not all spells are spoken. You can cast a spell without saying a thing. True story.
So, what is a spell really, if it’s not just the words?
A spell is the movement of energy to achieve a goal. That’s what I mean when I say it’s all about the intention. To cast a spell, you’re raising your energy and focusing it on your desired goal.
I would take this a step further still –– a spell is a connection with the divine. For me that connection of energy is a conversation with God. Very literally, a prayer. Other practitioners might raise their energy to connect with their chosen deities, nature, or the universe. If you’re working with LOA or manifesting, they’d call it raising your vibration.
Will a Spell Work if You Just Say the Words?
What if you don’t know how to raise your energy? Or if you didn’t know that you were supposed to raise your energy?
You might wonder if saying the words to a spell is enough. The short answer is yes, it may work just to say the words.
Words carry energy. That’s why affirmations work.
Also, the act of performing the spell, whether it’s just uttering words or something with more ceremony, will naturally focus your energy to some degree.
I’d equate this to learning to read. When you first learn to read, you sound out words and read out loud. When you get much better, you might mouth the words. Eventually, you start to read in your head without even thinking about it.
In just saying the spell, you’re accomplishing something. Like a beginning reader, you might not reap the full benefits or gain the most in comprehension.
Once you learn how to raise your cone of energy and focus it fully, you’ll likely see greater results, faster.
Different Types of Spells
Witchy shops categorize supplies by intention. While you can cast a spell to aid in any area of your life, some of the most common topics include:
- Family and Relationships
- Health
- Good fortune
- Career
- Protection
- Banishing and Reversal
- Peace
- Cleansing
- Psychic Connection
Spells may be simple or complex, from a spoken phrase to a ritual that takes days to complete. Many spells include candle magic and may also result in talismans or charms to carry with you.
But the most important part is the direction of energy. While I love stocking my witchy cabinet, expensive supplies aren’t required to cast most spells. You can also craft your own supplies, which makes the spell that much more personal for you.
Types of Spells for Different Types of Witches
You’ll find some disciplines use certain types of spells but not others. Where a kitchen witch might use a simmer pot on her stove and work alone, coven members may have larger ceremonies with many members focused on the same goal.
Every practitioner has their own rules and beliefs. For instance, some practitioners don’t believe in using reversal spells (sending negative energy back to someone who sent it to you).
I won’t say what you can and cannot follow because I don’t feel like it’s up to me to judge someone else’s practice. What I will say is that you should use your own discretion when choosing spells and techniques. If something feels off or doesn’t resonate with you, listen to your own instincts.
Can I Find Spells Online that Really Work?
One of the main reasons I started this blog was because people ask me how to do witchy things… all the time. They ask if I have a good spell they can try or if I can do a quick tarot pull for them.
The funny thing about being witchy is that no matter how many people think it’s odd (or worse), the majority really want to know more… or want you to help them cast some spell, read their cards, etc.
One of the things I see time and again is people making fun of getting spells online. The comments run the gamut from the spells “not being authentic” to being “written by twelve-year-olds”.
Here’s the truth: a lot of the spells you’ll find online are written by people who practice various forms of witchcraft. And I’m sure some of them are made up by people who might not know that much.
But here’s the thing, it’s the intention that really matters.
So, yes, you can absolutely use spells you found online or in published books. When you’re just starting, I might even recommend finding resources you really like and using those spells. At least until you feel comfortable finding the right supplies to use for your purpose.
It takes a while to really know which herbs and spices, colors, scents, and crystals would be most beneficial for whatever intention you’re focusing on.
Can You Write Your Own Spells?
You can absolutely make up your own spells. In fact, from my experience, the spells you craft yourself can be the most powerful because your whole focus was on the spell, from choosing the ingredients to writing the words… which makes it very personal to you.
Writing a spell might be as simple as writing what you truly want to accomplish. Some people prefer short, rhyming verses. Other people use bible verses.
Many of my spells include prayers and petitions to saints.
If you’re new to spellcasting, you might be most comfortable starting with a known spell and adding your own touches. You might write your own words or include ingredients that are meaningful to you.
If you’re creating something completely original, you might want to spend some time researching the right ingredients for your purpose. For instance, if you’re working on a creativity spell to help you with a new project, you might consider using yellow or orange candles, citrine crystals, and cinnamon to give you an oomph of good luck.