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The Fool Tarot Card: Meanings and Symbolism

The Fool tarot card from The Golden Art Nouveau tarot deck
The Fool tarot card from The Golden Art Nouveau tarot deck

The Fool tarot card is one of the most intriguing in the deck. It’s one of my personal favorites but it’s not just me. This card is mentioned again and again by those who teach and study tarot.

You’ll hear the Major Arcana referred to as “The Fool’s Journey”.

Why do we call it that?

Because The Fool is key 0. He’s outside of the numbered Major Arcana to signify that he is the one on the path. In other words, The Fool is the one going through the transitions, challenges, and life events depicted through the Major Arcana.

In most cases, the fool represents you. And me. While there are other possible ways to read the card, I always start by looking for the qualities the card represents in the person being read.

A lot of people assume this card is a bad omen or something negative. There are even tarot readers who define it as a sign of caution or “foolishness”. But, to me, there is so much more to this card than foolish folly.

In this post, we’ll dive into the meanings associated with The Fool. You’ll learn about the symbolism in the design, how to read the card upright and reversed, and a little bit about the way this card is depicted in other decks.

Are you working with a layout now and looking for ways to read The Fool in your spread? The “What Does The Fool Tarot Card Mean?” section at the end will give you more information on how to read the card in both upright and reversed positions.

If you’re looking for quick definitions for all the cards, check out our Tarot Card Meanings Resource Page.

The Fool Tarot Card: Description and Deeper Meaning

If you want to know what a card means, the best place to start is by studying the card itself. References (like this post, for example) are a good way to learn. But, connecting with the design and imagery itself will really help you understand the individual cards.

In this card, a young man walks with his head held high. We can imagine that he’s in a good mood and full of energy because everything about his stance says that he’s carefree. I’d almost imagine him skipping.

The day is clear and bright. We imagine that it’s spring or possibly summer. You can guess this by the fact that he’s not wearing a heavy coat or outer clothing. And the white rose he carries in his hand is in bloom. The bright sun shines in the sky, and we can see mountains rising up in the distance.

He’s walking toward the edge of a cliff or precipice. Be he doesn’t seem remotely frightened. A white dog runs beside him, looking up toward the young traveler.

The Fool wears a brightly colored tunic. In the Rider Waite deck, he’s dressed in fine clothing. He carries a staff (some might say a wand) over his shoulder and a bundle carrying his worldly possessions is tied on the end of the staff.

We’re inferring that he’s carrying his worldly possessions, you can’t really know for certain by looking at the image. But there’s a jaunty look to the cock of his chin, and he does not seem to be worried or bothered. In fact, he looks pretty pleased. So we would guess that he has everything that he needs on his journey.

The Symbolism in The Fool Card

To understand the meaning of the card, we have to dive into the symbolism. Here are some things to note:

  • Key 0. The key, or number of the card, is 0. This is important. It tells you that the fool is outside of the numbered order of the cards. He often represents the querent (person having the reading). It also indicates newness or beginnings.
  • White dog. White signifies purity and dogs represent loyalty and unconditional love. The dog doesn’t seem upset. He’s running happily along with his companion.
  • Rose in his left hand. The color white (again) symbolizes purity which is a nod to The Fool’s innocence. The left hand is the hand of intuition.
  • The sun. In tarot, the sun represents happiness and success. It can also indicate new beginnings and fulfillment.
  • The cliff. The precipice represents a leap of faith. The start of a new adventure. It can also represent risk.
  • The staff and bag over his shoulder. The bag or pouch is thought to hold all of his worldly possessions. Some tarot readers believe that the staff is actually a wand, and the other three suits are carried within the bundle. The Fool has all the tools he needs to be successful in his life journey.

The Fool Card in Other Tarot Decks

The Fool tarot card from Legend the Arthurian Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson
The Fool tarot card from Legend the Arthurian Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson

The Rider Waite deck depicts this card as a well-dressed youth. All of the symbolism is very much in line with the more positive messaging of youthful energy, hope, excitement, and optimism.

Many decks use similar messaging, but fit it into the theme of the artwork and design.

Let’s take Legend the Arthurian Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson, for example. This is one of my favorite decks. I love the artwork and the way the artist draws parallels between the tarot cards and traditionally recognized Arthurian canon.

This deck depicts the fool card as Percivale – a young man who is tried and true and wants to be a knight. In The Fool card, he’s at the beginning of his journey, just arriving in beautiful Camelot.

There are other decks that depict The Fool as a beggar or jester. Take your cues on what the card means based on the design. I also highly recommend using any reference material for the deck. Most tarot decks offer books that explain the cards and layouts in detail that either come with the deck or that you can purchase separately.  

What Does The Fool Tarot Card Mean?

In the upright position, this card is youthful optimism. It’s the magic of new beginnings, first love, and an intoxicating passion for life.

The Fool card often signifies the start of a journey. This might be the beginning of a new business venture, relationship, or stage in life. The card is all about optimism and the certainty that you can overcome any challenge. In fact, The Fool often isn’t even thinking about obstacles at all. As if no door could ever be closed to him.

When read as a person, the card represents someone who is young or young at heart.

It can often be read as inexperience, but with new adventure comes the passion and excitement of possibilities. This card signifies leaps of faith, good luck, and confidence.

You have all the tools you need to be successful in your journey. While you may need to learn lessons or hone skills, the raw talent and support you need is available.

Depending on the layout of the cards, this also may indicate that you feel unsure, or like you don’t have the skills you need to be successful. This might be a case of imposter syndrome. Or you may lack experience in reality –– remember, every successful person was once a beginner.

The Fool (Reversed)

In the reversed position, this is a warning to look before you leap. In a person, it might mean being overly naïve or gullible, and can indicate that you’re easy to take advantage of in a situation.

Care should be taken in any new opportunity and all angles should be examined.

It can also mean that you don’t have the skills you need to attempt your goal. You may need to spend more time learning or gaining experience – the phrase too big for your britches comes to mind. Reversed, this may mean that you feel entitled to things you haven’t earned.

The Fool reversed can also be a sign that you’re feeling self-conscious or have low self esteem in some area. You have a goal or dream but don’t feel up to the challenge. Don’t let self-doubt sabotage you.

Looking for More Tarot Tips?

If you’re looking for more ways to get to know your cards, check out our post on Bonding with Your Tarot.

It includes five tips to help you activate and get to know your deck. We also go into some detail so you have full explanations for why and how to accomplish these bonding techniques.


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